Stainless Steel

Tuncol Paslanmaz;
In the stainless steel sector, in Turkey market, our company has become the leader with the cooperation with Europe Our company can respond with its satisfactory sufficent resources accumulations to any demand, in the aspects of wide product range, human resources quality and rapid transfer. Welded coils, plate, imported from Europe by our company,are used in every field of industry. For the present, we have available stocks for textile, food, industrial machinery, chemical, automotive, petrochemical, and maritime industry. Our company is not only contented with existing products, but also, we plan to wide our product range according to your demands and cooperation . According to demand of the market,we have perpetual/continuous stocks of materials with quality of 304/304L/316/316L/316Ti. Furthermore, we can also ensure special quality of stainless steels to use in different sectors in a short time.